Saturday 25 January 2014

Polymer Clay Creatures

I haven't posted in a while.  I finally got myself a new laptop, something I probably should have done about 8 months ago but was avoiding...  Anyway, it has been a bit of a learning curve getting accustomed to the new features but I think I'm making progress.

My 9 year old daughter was at home sick yesterday and when she felt up for it we decided to break open her new Polymer Clay kit that she got for her birthday.  She had been experimenting with an older kit previously but this was my first time working with polymer. 

After searching Pinterest for some ideas (and hopefully some tutorials) we managed to create these together:

The first one we made was they Mickey charm, in honor of our upcoming trip to Disneyland.  My kids have never been before so the are very excited!

If you are familiar with the Mario Bros. video game, them you'll recognize this guy that my daughter made all by herself:

What was strange was how the white reacted in the different pieces.  The white in the Mickey came out so vibrant but in the cat, Bom Om, and Minion it seemed to take on a pearlized color.  Not sure if it was due to residue on our hands from the silver clay or from 2 different white packages...

It was fun creating these and it sure made up for being stuck inside on a beautiful day!

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