Saturday 18 February 2012

Starry Night

This year my son's Grade 3/4 teacher invited me to do an art lesson with her class.  I decided to do a project based on Van Gogh's Starry Night.  The basic idea for this project comes from the site which has wonderful step by step instructions on how to map out the landscape and sky features.  I have modified that lesson by using both chalk and oil pastels, and wanted to make the project unique to the landscape of British Columbia.

9" X 12" black construction paper
chalk pastels
oil pastels

After drawing out the landscape features in pencil we lightly coloured and rubbed chalk pastels to create the background colours.  Then we used oil pastels to add short lines over the chalk.  Though not as effective in the photos, the chalk underlayer really made the stars and moon 'glow' in the artwork.

Grade 3/4 Starry Nights in BC

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