Tuesday 16 April 2013

Baby Birds Display

I finally got my baby bird art up on my classroom bulletin board.  Here they are:

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Baby Birds for Spring

My Grade Ones made these adorable baby birds this week!  Unfortunately my camera has stopped working and I brought our "new" camera in to school.  I had so much trouble with it over-exposing the photos.  As cute as these pictures are, some of the photos do not do them justice.  The colours are way more vibrant and beautiful in person. 

We did a directed draw on black construction paper using various lids to make our circle shapes.  The heads were styrofoam bowls, the eyes were baby food jar lids and the body was the bottom of a large yogurt container.  We then free-handed the wings, top feathers and feet.

The students then used oil pastels to colour them in.  I gave them creative rights as to how they wanted to colour them.  The only rules were the eyes needed to be the same colour (because you know there are always those kids...), the wings needed to be coloured the same and the beaks needed to be yellow or orange.

After they were fully coloured they used black pastels to outline everything - this is the hardest part, and add eye lashes.  The final touch was adding a white dot of pastel in each eye to create the reflective light and add to the cuteness!!


My Sample

Wednesday 3 April 2013

I Am Canadian!

I have always been proud to be a Canadian, so I am thrilled to link up with other Canadian bloggers.  You can too.  Just click here to be taken to Patti's blog "Madly Learning".